
My gingerbread house decorating skills can best be described as "tragic."

Luckily, my 2-yr-old doesn't notice or care. He still thinks I'm pretty cool. Probably because I let him "glue" the giant green gumdrops, which I suspect were meant to suggest shrubbery, to the top of the gingerbread roof.
Ah, the unearned, undeserved admiration of a child.
How many years can I expect THAT to last, do you think? ;)


nancy said...

Ha ha ha! I love it... it'll look worse when you're done with it. ;)

Melissa said...

No, I love it ... although you should see ours :). Oh and don't worry my 10 y.o. still says I'm the best mum ever ... she doesn't get out much.

Elecia said...

Looks kinda like ours. I thought about leaving it outside to see if the birds would like to munch on it, but I am afraid even they will laugh at us.

Nellie Mae said...

Gingerbread houses are hard. Mine was bad.....